
This method allows a more homogeneous distribution of the paint than with a brush for example. The airbrush can be performed on a variety of media: drawing paper, plastic, wood, metal, ceramic, skin ...The instrument used for spray painting is an airbrush.

It is composed of a body with the dimensions and shape of a pen in order to ensure good performance by the user. Then comes the bucket that contains the liquid spray and a system for projecting the compressed air. The airbrush has two push buttons, which allow to measure accurately the flow of air and the quantity of liquid projected. There are also single control airbrush models, which do not permit the same working precision as the flow can not be controlled. Depending on the distance of the airbrush from the support, it is possible to make lines more or less detailed. When the airbrush is close, details of the size of a hair can be achieved. The airbrush is a handy tool to achieve shades of paint or the effects of layering. In order to ensure long life of the airbrush, it is important to clean after each use to prevent the paint from drying inside.

The compressor is almost as important as the airbrush because it is responsible for spray-painting.

That diffusion is accurate and consistent, so it is important to choose a good quality airbrush. There are small models of compressors, compressor called "interior" and largest models, which can deliver higher pressures. Depending on the material you are working (drawing paper, ceramic, wood, metal ...) you need to apply more pressure or less. Some compressors operate without oil, which avoids pollution of the ambient air in the long term. They are sometimes equipped with a water filter, a compressed air regulator and pressure gauge for precise control of the air pressure.

For painting, it is important that it is well diluted as it plays a vital role in its dissemination. A very diluted paint sprays easily and offers a much smoother effect on the support. A less diluted paint clog the airbrush and provide a more granular report. You can buy ready to use paints or make them yourself thanks to the following three elements: the binder, diluent and hue.
When using an airbrush, it is important to work in a well ventilated area because some paints can be harmful to health if breathed continuously.